As a preventive measure, we have prepared an emergency plan to reduce the impact on business processes
The level of attention of contagions in Italy remains high and the first alarms are coming from the rest of Europe, but Oesse remains 100% operational and does not see in the short term any threats that could affect this status.
We have set up an internal committee, in direct connection with the relevant government authorities, which monitors compliance with all the precautionary measures adopted and constantly supervises the integrity of the entire supply chain and its logistics.
Although there are no objective impediments, we have applied smart working for some workers, to meet special family needs related to the extension of school closures.
Since we must limit visits to customers, we encourage the use of videoconferencing tools to create web meetings in order to guarantee an optimal and continuous service.
Below are the measures taken so far:
We reiterate that to date there are no restrictions, blockages or information that could impact on the normal course of business operations.
In case of extreme gravity that leads to the forced closure of the plant, we have set up the necessary infrastructure to ensure the full activity of the remote functions, guaranteeing the information process externally. We will promptly inform our stakeholders about any updates on the matter.
Oesse staff remains available for any clarifications and to organize the necessary web meetings.
Last update: 05/03/2020