How to calculate it by analyzing the product life cycle
In the product life cycle, what is the environmental impact of a heat exchanger?
To show you how we calculate it, we have selected a best-selling product among our 600 models of HR cooling systems for high-middle power range of diesel engines, fully equipped for a plug&play installation.
The cooling unit we examined is designed to cool a 197 kW QSB6.7 diesel engine produced by Cummins.
The objective is to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the production of a cross-flow heat exchanger, to identify the most significant ones.
We have considered the different stages of the product life cycle: from the extraction of the raw materials to the disposal of the product itself.
To calculate the impacts of our HR cooling unit and release our first LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) report, we then worked with a qualified consultant.
The LCA highlights which components or processes have a higher impact on the environment and their root causes, allowing for targeted measures to be taken.
Some of these impacts are related to the Oesse business model and this study allowed us to identify priorities and set objectives to reduce our environmental impact for the near future, according to our Corporate Social Responsibility policy, in compliance with the SDGs of the UN Agenda 2030.
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