Safety as a priority: the training day 'π‘†π΄πΉπΈπ‘‡π‘Œ 𝐹𝐼𝑅𝑆𝑇'

Play, interaction and empathy as key vectors to convey concepts and regulations on employee safety in companies

Safety as a priority: the training day 'π‘†π΄πΉπΈπ‘‡π‘Œ 𝐹𝐼𝑅𝑆𝑇'

At Oesse, safety is a priority. A group training day called π‘†π΄πΉπΈπ‘‡π‘Œ 𝐹𝐼𝑅𝑆𝑇 took place in October, involving all the company’s employees: through team play, the dynamics and regulations in terms of safety were explored and learnt.

The day started with a conceptual introduction, continued with a team game, and ended with a final debriefing aimed to highlight the fundamental principles and reference regulations on safety in a production company like ours.

The playful-training activity, called Safety Crime, followed a special training procedure that led all participants to learn the key concepts:

  • Presentation of an accident/death case through the use of photos/videos;
  • Experiential group activity with the aim of solving the case, arriving at its development, causes and root causes;
    – each group was provided with common information/ clues regarding the case and the victim;
    – afterwards, the groups collected clues from various sources;
    – at the appropriate time, each group was asked to formulate its own hypothesis;
  • Final group debriefing presenting the solution;
  • Election of the winning groups and awarding of prizes.

Of course, the competitive element played a very important role in achieving the goal!

Want to learn more? Watch the video of the event!

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