Cooling unit for 228kW Volvo TAD754GE engine

In the off-road sector there are applications that work in extremely severe conditions, for which during the design phase the possible break of the components during any work cycle is estimated.

The world of crushers is representative of this harsh environments: equipment that continuously work in often isolated building sites and at the mercy of adverse weather conditions. During the work cycle, it's not uncommon that part of the shredded debris could damage and break the other components inside the vehicle itself. This cooling unit works with a 228kW Volvo TAD754GE engine. The air conveying carpentry part is 4mm thick and guarantees extreme shocks resistance; the protective guards are divided so as to guarantee the accessibility to the fan in case of breaking and also the cooling cores are divided to allow a partial replacement. The expansion tank is integrated to the water heat exchanger and has a 5mm thickness. These measures make the cooling unit specifically resistant, reinforced and facilitate any replacement.

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